
Run a small or medium size business? Support 91.9 Fresh FM by purchasing sponsorship advertising for your business, church or community group. Email Tony Hancock sales@919fresh.com.au  for more information.

There are 44,643 people (aged 15+) in our broadcast area and we estimate that 15% of all Gladstone people aged 15+ are regular monthly listeners. Our listenership extends right across the city and surrounding areas, We target 25-44 year old with a slight female skews, although our listenership extends out of this range thanks to our streaming service.

91.9 Fresh FM offers competitive rates and several sponsorship options that offer your business an opportunity to reach people like never before.

Ask to talk with one of our Sponsorship Team today on (07) 4979 3543, or email our Sales Manger Tony Hancock  sales@919fresh.com.au

Reach people like never before

Fresh FM has several sponsorship options that offer your business an opportunity to reach people like never before.

Fresh FM is proudly supported by:
  • 91.9 Fresh FM – our Gladstone FM radio station reaching 15% of all Gladstone people aged 15+
  • National FM and Digital Advertising – Using our network of family FM and Digital stations across Australia we can offer you national advertising packagers.
  • 91.9freshfm.com.au – our Gladstone radio station website

4 reasons to consider Sponsorship

  1. Estimated 15% of all Gladstone people aged 15+ are regular listernes
  2. Less Clutter – only 5 mins per hour – making your business STAND out – never more two radio spots in a row guaranteed.
  3. Family friendly & Kid proof messages
  4. Affordable


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