Around the Live FM office earlier today a discussion started about hand sanitiser, it’s become such a massive part of our lives and routines in 2020. I mentioned an experience I had on the weekend with a sanitiser that was quite unpleasant (even as you read I...
By: Laura Bennett Social media is a complex beast. On the one hand, it’s a comparison trap and can really diminish our mental wellbeing, but on its best days, it offers a way to connect with friends and family from whom we’d otherwise be isolated. During the COVID...
By: Sabrina Peters We’re not all actually in the same boat – but we are in the same storm. For some, the last few months have been tumultuous and terrifying. They’ve lost loved ones (even multiple), faced financial hardship, and experienced pain from every...
By: Sabrina Peters It’s about this time every semester I feel the full weight of Uni. Sometimes I find myself asking the question through gritted teeth, “Why am I studying again?! But without fail every single time I am reminded of the famous words of Theodore...
By: Donna Burke By now you’re very likely sick of hearing about, reading about and possibly even worrying about the virus that has thrown the globe into a state of panic. Unfortunately, short of unplugging from the world completely and cutting ourselves off from...