Social Researcher Mark McCrindle share’s the findings of his latest research into the sentiment, expectations and attitudes of communities and organisations amidst the challenges of Covid-19. He give’s insights into the characteristics of great leaders in...

Connect20 Online Media & Arts

Think, create, and speak well in this cultural moment. Connect20 Online Media & Arts Summit provides over 30 interactive talks, interviews and concert events inviting the curious Christian to respond well to this brave new world through media, communications and...

3 Everyday Enemies of Your Tenacity

Miriam is quick in the centre but loses heart. Joyce understands the game but could move a little quicker; Audrey places herself well but lacks height.  I recently came across this extract from the sports notes section of the annual magazine from a girl’s school in...

Red Frogs Supporting Teens in Isolation

Cancelling events doesn’t just mean reducing crowds. For young people, it can also mean cutting them off from vital support networks. But “official party crashers” Red Frogs Australia, are working to ensure no one isolates alone. Founded over 20 years ago by CEO Andy...

In This Rare Moment, the Whole World is Living the Same Story

Sometimes I’m surprised at what I get nostalgic about. Recently I was reminiscing about the way in-flight entertainment used to be done on planes. You might remember it. Before we had individual touch screens with a million movie options, a hostess would announce the...