6 Lessons We Can Learn From The COVID-19 Pandemic

No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it. – Hebrews 12:11 The COVID-19 Pandemic is wreaking havoc across our world. It’s an uncertain time. And yet...

10 Tips for Working From Home

Okay, so we’ve got to be bunkered down into our homes for the next little while – which means that the nature of work is radically changing. For the best part of a decade I was helping to establish new churches – which means I’ve spent a LOT of time working from home!...

How Businesses can Recalibrate During Times of Crisis

In the last few weeks, it has seemed that every day has brought yet another piece of bad news, pushing the world deeper and deeper into crisis mode. With more and more job losses, confirmed cases of Covid-19 infection and uncertainties arising, it is difficult to see...