A Quizmaster & an Auctioneer will join forces to raise funds for North Queensland’s Christmas Festival, Stable on the Strand. Trivia questions and Auction Items will morph together to help ensure Stable on the Strand continues for another year! Quizmaster Graeme...
By: Clare Bruce It’s amazing the difference a few simple little gifts can make in the life of someone who’s living in poverty. The small toys and school supplies you pack into a shoebox for Operation Christmas Child, may not seem that significant in the big scheme of...
By: Jenny Baxter How to teach your kids self-awareness so they understand themselves better, and know the impact they are having on others. This blog expands on 20 Ways to Rock at Being a Mother No. 5: Be Self-Aware, which outlines your personal benefits of...
Hi ALL!! Click on the link to watch our latest short film “Bubu Mei” (Grandmother Mother). Bubu Mei (Watch time is 40 minutes) About the film – Dr Lin Calvert (now 94) has served as a medical doctor for over 60 years in the jungles of...
Dear Dr Justin, My husband and I have some family friends. Their daughter is friends with our daughter. I recently heard their daughter telling my daughter about her ‘private’ Instagram account. My daughter has told me that her friend is sharing sexual images, and...