Whether you’re dealing with a change in personal circumstances, or the disruption of this global pandemic, the language and attitude we adopt will help us to determine what happens next. Our thoughts, words and actions direct our steps, and play a large part in...
The words ‘unprecedented’, ‘volatile’ and ‘uncertain’ are now entrenched in the language we use to describe the start of 2020. The impacts of COVID-19 are being felt in everyday life – from how we shop to how we work, engage in community, learn, educate, contribute...
Okay, so we’ve got to be bunkered down into our homes for the next little while – which means that the nature of work is radically changing. For the best part of a decade I was helping to establish new churches – which means I’ve spent a LOT of time working from home!...
I am a planner. That’s why I keep a diary. A diary gives me an idea of what to expect, a sense of control. Of course, I didn’t have coronavirus in my diary, I didn’t expect it, and there is very little I can do to control it. Even if you don’t keep a diary, most...
By: Jenny Baxter How to teach your kids self-awareness so they understand themselves better, and know the impact they are having on others. This blog expands on 20 Ways to Rock at Being a Mother No. 5: Be Self-Aware, which outlines your personal benefits of...
Hi ALL!! Click on the link to watch our latest short film “Bubu Mei” (Grandmother Mother). Bubu Mei (Watch time is 40 minutes) About the film – Dr Lin Calvert (now 94) has served as a medical doctor for over 60 years in the jungles of...