How to Tell Your Friend What Their Teen Is Doing Online

Dear Dr Justin, My husband and I have some family friends. Their daughter is friends with our daughter. I recently heard their daughter telling my daughter about her ‘private’ Instagram account. My daughter has told me that her friend is sharing sexual images, and...

What To Do When Your Child Lies To You

You enter the kitchen. Your child looks at you like she’s hiding something. You see cake crumbs on the counter and the tips of her fingers. ‘Did you eat the chocolate cake?’ Your child smiles up at you, chocolate stuck in her teeth, and innocently replies, ‘No.’ You...

Let’s Be Collaborators, Not Competitors!

by: Harriet Connor As a mum, I know how easy it is to fall into the trap of seeing other mothers as competitors. When we meet another mum, we immediately start making comparisons; we want to know how we “rank” against her in different areas: our parenting, our...

Has Cyberbullying Affected You? Expert Advice for Teens and Parents

By: Clare Bruce More than half of all Australia’s young people have experienced cyberbullying – that’s bullying using the web, smartphones or social media – and parents are being urged to become more aware. The shocking figure – 53% of all young people – was part of a...

Lessons I’ve Learned With Age

By: Jennie Scott As I write this, I’m sitting in a coffee shop, alone. Of course, there are other people in the building, so I guess I’m not technically alone, but I came here without anyone else, on purpose. I had a few hours to do whatever I wanted, and I chose to...

He’s back!

Inspirational local, Frank Moravcik was back in the studio this week to inspire us with what he’s been up to since we last caught up with him.  Not letting anything stop him, he continues to encourage us. Have a listen here!!!