Rachel got to talk to Jennifer Ironside about the work that she does with local women about pursuing passion and purpose and you can listen to the interview below! Jennifer Ironside Interview She has recently released her book ‘Real Women Real Stories’ If...
We are partnering with CMAA to offer our Live FM family access to two free online concerts this June! Click the images below to get access now for King & Country Live Concert We Rise As One: Special Concert Event by for King & Country We Are Messengers Live...
Social Researcher Mark McCrindle share’s the findings of his latest research into the sentiment, expectations and attitudes of communities and organisations amidst the challenges of Covid-19. He give’s insights into the characteristics of great leaders in...
Ceal and Dan have signed up for Holytext Easter SMS Service! What is it? It’s a free subscription from the Bible Society, a way to hear the story of Easter in a fun and new way. Basically, you’ll receive texts as if you are a part of the...
CELEBRATING FATHERHOOD The aim of the award is to recognise the significant role fathers play in their children’s well-being and development and to raise awareness of the value of fathers in the family and the community. It identifies and honours outstanding fathers...