Jill Bradshaw – lives in North Queensland with her husband Phil and their two sons. Her

love of writing, a passion for God, and the desire to share His love are the driving forces

behind her book :

  • Something Beautiful: Learning to Live Loved– Jill shares her journey to find love in her life, using her personal story, showing how we struggle in a world that seems to be getting harder, colder and more self-orientated.


Leanne Davey – an engaging and humorous speaker, who has the uncanny knack of

putting others at ease with her storytelling. She tells of her life events with a rawness

and honesty that draws the audience in and allows them to identify with her shared

Experiences. Leanne’s book:

  • 18 Years in the Making: For this Child We Prayed– tells the story of

the grief caused by infertility and how she learnt to live in that place for 18 years, it offers

hope to others in a similar position, not just in dealing with infertility, but living with

disappointment of unfulfilled dreams and expectations. Leanne’s faith in God supported her through the years and helped her in the everyday experiences of her life.


Dr Amanda Nickson – is a wife, mother, social worker, pastor, author and speaker. She

chose social work as her profession as an extension of her Christian faith, to help and

serve others. She has written two books:

  • Living by Faith- How the impossible becomes possible with God– Amanda shares insights and examples from her own life of faith through tough times to being an overcomer. Triumphing over self-doubt with dyslexia and anxiety to graduating with a PhD is one example. Bushwalking with an unstable neck fracture and being protected by God is another. Amanda shares how you can grow through faith and step out of your comfort zone.

The Resilient Leader, How to beat overwhelm and burnout for sustainable leadership – Amanda is focusing on her passion to equip others, especially leaders, to live life to the full and avoid the traps of exhaustion and burnout. The book equips leaders with a roadmap of skills to build resilience.


Abby got to sit down with author Amanda Nickson all about the ‘Meet the Authors’ event coming up and about Amandas books and walk in faith.


This event will take place at The Drill Hall Studio
Address: 27 Mitchell Street, North Ward
Date: May 13th, 2023
Times: 2:30-4:00 PM
Cost: FREE


Book for the Meet the Author event, so they have an idea of numbers attending and for catering purposes.