How Housebound Families Can Stay Sane

Many around the world have been housebound for some time now. We’re not even sure when this way of living will come to an end. How might we navigate everyone being at home, in a confined space, for most of the day, for an unknown period of time… and still maintain...

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Insights for Leaders During the COVID-19 Crisis

The words ‘unprecedented’, ‘volatile’ and ‘uncertain’ are now entrenched in the language we use to describe the start of 2020. The impacts of COVID-19 are being felt in everyday life – from how we shop to how we work, engage in community, learn, educate, contribute...

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10 Tips for Working From Home

Okay, so we’ve got to be bunkered down into our homes for the next little while – which means that the nature of work is radically changing. For the best part of a decade I was helping to establish new churches – which means I’ve spent a LOT of time working from home!...

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Check out this Short Film – “Bubu Mei”

Hi ALL!! Click on the link to watch our latest short film "Bubu Mei" (Grandmother Mother).   Bubu Mei  (Watch time is 40 minutes)   About the film - Dr Lin Calvert (now 94) has served as a medical doctor for over 60 years in the jungles of the Gulf of Papua...

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