The Importance of Saying “Yes”

By: Dr Eliezer Gonzalez Jesus knew that this was his final journey to Jerusalem, and that his time with his disciples was short. That’s why, as he walked, he tried to teach them what was most important. Jesus told the parable of the vineyard: of a landowner who went...

Has Cyberbullying Affected You? Expert Advice for Teens and Parents

By: Clare Bruce More than half of all Australia’s young people have experienced cyberbullying – that’s bullying using the web, smartphones or social media – and parents are being urged to become more aware. The shocking figure – 53% of all young people – was part of a...

Lessons I’ve Learned With Age

By: Jennie Scott As I write this, I’m sitting in a coffee shop, alone. Of course, there are other people in the building, so I guess I’m not technically alone, but I came here without anyone else, on purpose. I had a few hours to do whatever I wanted, and I chose to...

Are There Practical Ways To Share Jesus Online?

By: Reuben Skewes With the world population at 7.5 billion people, and those that identify as Christian at 2.4 billion, there is still much to be done. Thankfully, the opportunities to share Jesus are endless! Especially online! The Bible has many references, not only...

Get Your Praise From God

By: Dr Eliezer Gonzalez People are like mirrors. We look at them and think that we see ourselves in what we see reflected back. If we see things like forgiveness and love, then we believe ourselves to be worthy of forgiveness and love. If, on the other hand, we see...