By: Dr Eliezer Gonzalez You may not know it, but you have a kingdom. Yes, it’s your kingdom. But it might not be the one you are thinking of. You may think that I don’t, but I do. I play computer games. I actually like those sorts of games where I get...
By: Amy Cheng The amount of light we’re exposed to during the day can impact our quality of sleep, an academic researching circadian systems has said. Dr Jacob Crouse, a post-doctoral research fellow at the Brain and Mind Centre at The University of Sydney, is...
By: Laura Bennett After making history as the first Christian or Gospel artist to perform at the Grammys in 20 years – and be televised while doing it – Georgia based group Maverick City Music have now won their first Grammy for Best Contemporary Christian Music...
By: Collett Smart “I love teenagers!” Yet… I find that whenever I say this phrase people look at me and chuckle, as if waiting for the punchline. There is none. It’s true! I really do love teenagers! Every year I get to spend a week in January with a few hundred...
By: McCrindle We all know the Monday morning atmosphere when colleagues come into the office again after the weekend. Our attitude, either positive or negative, can predict the rest of the day and sometimes the whole week. The overall work wellbeing of our teams also...