By: Tania Harris Learning to hear God’s voice takes time. Our ability to recognise the voice of the Spirit improves with experience and practice. The idea of learning to hear God is offensive to some. People assume that the biblical characters didn’t have to learn;...
By: Susan Joy My naturally sweetened Strawberry Jam is more like a preserve as it has lumps of fruit in it. It’s not only delicious as a spread but it can be used as a topping for pancakes, dairy-free ice cream and coconut yoghurt or it can be used as a filling...
By: Dr Eliezer Gonzalez In the Bible, Abraham is a foundational figure, and he is particularly renowned for his great faith. That’s why the apostle Paul says of Abraham that: he is the father of all who believe (Rom. 4:11) A little later in the same passage, writes...
By: Sabrina Peters Have you ever wanted something so badly or prayed for something for a really long time and it just felt like God said, no. I know I have! Probably more times than I can count. As an 18-year-old, I remember having this mad crush on a guy. He was a...
By: Georgia Free With many people taking a break over Christmas, librarian Nicole Yule has a number of holiday reading recommendations. This year has been a stressful year for many but, if you’re looking to recharge the batteries over the break, literary expert Nicole...