On Monday, 25 January 2021, You are invited by one of our most senior Aboriginal Christian Leaders, Aunty Jean Phillips, to gather together to pray in unison to #ChangeTheHeart Tune in to this unique, national service led by Aboriginal Christian Leaders simulcast on...

When The Armour is Too Big For You

By: Dr Eliezer Gonzalez I often feel like the armour I’m supposed to wear is too big for me. The responsibilities are too big, the challenges are too big, and what others expect of me is too big. It’s a bit like David, when he volunteered to take on Goliath the giant....

3 Lies I Believed About Being a Christian

By: Sabrina Peters I’ve been a Christian since I can remember, but I didn’t always understand what that truly meant. I actually thought being a Christian was more about me than it was about Christ. Sounds a bit silly but honestly a lot of people do. Here are 3 lies...