In This Rare Moment, the Whole World is Living the Same Story

Sometimes I’m surprised at what I get nostalgic about. Recently I was reminiscing about the way in-flight entertainment used to be done on planes. You might remember it. Before we had individual touch screens with a million movie options, a hostess would announce the...

Insights for Leaders During the COVID-19 Crisis

The words ‘unprecedented’, ‘volatile’ and ‘uncertain’ are now entrenched in the language we use to describe the start of 2020. The impacts of COVID-19 are being felt in everyday life – from how we shop to how we work, engage in community, learn, educate, contribute...

How Businesses can Recalibrate During Times of Crisis

In the last few weeks, it has seemed that every day has brought yet another piece of bad news, pushing the world deeper and deeper into crisis mode. With more and more job losses, confirmed cases of Covid-19 infection and uncertainties arising, it is difficult to see...