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Made For More Than This

Made For More Than This


By Pastor Aaron Bachmann

Has there ever been a moment in your life when you woke up and knew that your life had changed? Whether it was for good or for bad, today I want you to know that you were born for more; more than whatever you see right now!

When a massive inheritance comes your way…your life changes. When someone wins The Voice, life changes. Maybe you met a long lost family member for the first time…your life changes. When I said ‘yes’ to pioneering a brand new church…my life changed. More importantly, when I realize the significance of what God did for me…my life really changed!

Most of us think we searched for and found our identity during our teenage or early adult years. Reality tells me that many of us are still trying to find it. Why? I see it often: when someone doesn’t get a big promotion at work they spiral into an emotional wasteland. When those pants fit a little more snugly than they used to, we freak out. When someone questions whether the talent we’re reputed to be good at is truly that good, we’re shaken to our core.

When that dream girl or guy walks away for no clear reason, when that child of ours walk down a path that we never thought possible, we question ourselves. Am I a bad mother? Father? Was I to blame for being a terrible husband or wife? I had hundreds of likes on my YouTube singing videos and now I’m not good enough! I’m a popstar, I’m a sporting superstar, I’m fit and healthy, I’m a great partner, I’m an incredible husband! When that identity you’ve attached to how you’ve lived is taken away from you…where do you go?

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You were made for more than this failure you’re facing right now. More than this vicious cycle of defeat, more than being ruled by addiction, defined by divorce, battling the curse of comparison, social media fame and body image issues. You were made for more than jealousy, excuses, guilt, and shame. I believe today, you were made by Him, for Him and through Him you can overcome!”

When we lose sight of who we are and whom we belong too (our true identity), the light of His confidence hope within us is put out. When our identity is found in who God says we are our circumstance won’t define us. The labels won’t stick to us. This current ‘hell on earth’ does not have to dominate your future How you respond is the key, responding well will lead you to the ‘more’ that God has for you!

NO Matter what you are facing, KNOW there is more purpose than the pain of this valley…the next mountain top season is coming, the pain is not designed to define us, or defeat us, but develop us.

You don’t have to live from the old nature, the old self, old mindsets. You can be made new in Him today! Will you wake up and walk in the newness of life God has called you to? This could be your moment when everything is about to change.


Aaron Bachmann is the Senior Pastor of Lifestyle Church.


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