Home Focus On The Family Focus On The Family: Overcoming Fear, Failure and Loss
Focus On The Family: Overcoming Fear, Failure and Loss

Focus On The Family: Overcoming Fear, Failure and Loss


Cathy Scott is the author of “The Rhode to Zimkesalia,” which is about her geographical journeys from various African countries to Australia. In this Focus On The Family podcast, she also shares about her emotional journey – including the death of loved ones, feelings of guilt, and broken relationships. However, her story does not end with fear, failure and loss, but is one of overcoming difficulties due to her unwavering faith in God.

This podcast has been provided by Focus On The Family Australia. For more helpful parenting and relationship advice and resources, visit their website http://www.families.org.au
This podcast has been provided by Focus On The Family Australia. For more helpful parenting and relationship advice and resources, visit their website http://www.families.org.au